Treatment for Vocal Cord Paralysis (Vocal Paresis)



Vocal Cord Paralysis (also known as vocal fold paresis) occurs when one or both vocal cords/folds are non-functional. Vocal cord paresis causes a decrease in vocal cord mobility, which, in turn, will impact one’s ability to speak and, nevertheless, to sing.

Vocal fold paresis is also the result of abnormal nerve input to the muscles within the voice box. When it concerns the human body, “Paralysis” means a complete interruption of nerve impulses that cause minimal to no movement for any given body part. In the case of the disruption of the human voice, vocal cord paralysis is the result of nerve interruption within the parts of the voice box, causing the vocal cords to malfunction, or not to function at all.

Paresis can happen to anyone and at any age for different reasons. The effect on patients that suffer from this problem will depend on their lifestyles. Even a mild condition of vocal paresis can greatly affect a person’s normal life, let alone a professional speaker or singer.


Vocal fold movements result from the coordinated configuration of various muscles being controlled by the brain through a specific set of nerves. The superior laryngeal nerve carries signals to the cricothyroid muscle. This muscle adjusts the tension of the vocal folds.


Symptoms of vocal cord paresis may affect one’s ability to swallow: and thus, a clear excess of mucus is produced due to coughing and sneezing.


Our unique and revolutionary Non-Surgical Voice Repair program will not only repair your voice and your vocal box, but it will also teach you how to use your voice correctly, according to the standards of professional speaking or singing.

You will learn how to place your voice into your facial muscles – as opposed to constantly using and overusing your vocal cords. Those facial muscles will be engaged to work together with the abdominal muscles, thus minimizing the harmful pressure of the sound on your vocal anatomy. By treating the cause (the incorrect use of your voice) and not just the symptoms, your vocal problems will never be an issue again.

Through the application of natural herbs and homeopathic remedies, any damage previously done to your vocal box will heal better, and the mucus that builds up, which occurs as a result of vocal cord paresis disorder, will also be cleared away.

If you are suffering from the symptoms of such a disorder like vocal cord paralysis and thus, are seeking professional help, contact us.


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Vocal Sciecne Article

More information about vocal cord paralysis & how it could be treated non-surgically can be found HERE