3 Spots left for the December 15th Pre-Christmas Vocal Workshop!

Workshop - Vocal Science - Dec 1st Vocal Workshop

Maximize Your Vocals – Join Our Vocal Science Session Workshop!

Our December 15th Group Session is designed to help you understand what it takes to restore and/or improve the quality of your speaking and singing voice!

This workshop is also designed to help those who suffer from voice disorders & vocal problems. It will be a great opportunity to preview what it takes to treat and (when needed) prevent various forms of voice disorders and vocal problems.

We have 3 Spots remaining for this special Workshop.

If interested in reserving a spot, contact us:

Again, whether you’re a speaker, singer or someone who suffers from a voice disorder, this workshop is one of the best opportunities to learn how we can help you eliminate vocal problems and maximize the use of your voice!

Where is it? 

The Royans Professional Vocal School – Division of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair/Vocal Retreat.

52 Hollis Crescent
Holland Landing, Ontario Canada L9N 1E9 (MAP)
– 40 minutes north of Toronto (GTA) –
– 5 minutes north of Newmarket –

When is it?

December 15th, 2019 | 12:30pm – 8:30pm (Up to 8 hours of semi-private instruction!)

For more first-hand information about this event or if you would like to participate, contact us today! If you would like to participate in this fun and educational event, contact us via phone (416-857-8741) or by email

We hope to see you there 🙂 – Vocal Science – Let your voice come to life! –