- Our Present and future voice repair clients can indulge into the reading of Ms. Yampolsky’s classic blog titled:
Unlock Your Voice… And Take Away the “Golden Key” to Your Vocal Performance Success
Unlock Your Voice… And Take Away the “Golden Key” to Your Vocal Performance Success
We have a new article that give you insight on what to do if you feel that you are lozing your voice: “My Voice Is Gone And My Throat Hurts. What Could I Do?”
For more interesting articles like this one, visit our: Blogspot Page
For more insights on vocal problems, Check out the Non-Surgical Voice Repair section of our site.
The last 4 years that I’ve been playing in bands, I have been singing at 20% of my potential. I would have never figured out proper technique by myself. Not through any 20-minute free YouTube video, or reading a book, taking one vocal lesson from some Joe blow, or trying to take an easy way out. ”
– Megan Stewart, Up and coming Singer/Songwriter
Read more of this informative case-study of the Vocal Science technique.
“My voice is holding up nicely, I had 2 functions at the weekend and it didn’t hurt at all!!!” – Lots of love, Wenke
(You can also read Wenke’s review about Diana Yampolsky’s book “Vocal Science – Flight to the Universe” on Amazon.com)
Ms. Diana Yampolksy – Non-Surgical Voice Repair Specialist/Master Vocal Coach, will be working out of Dallas, Texas USA and will be repairing and teaching voices starting on January the 5th through January the 13th 2016.
Also, If interested in our special Case-Study programs, please enquire about it via our email: info@vocalscience.com, or call Diana Yampolsky directly at: 416-857-8741
For those who are aspiring to become stars in musical theatre, watch her Inspiring video & read the testimonial from Holly Rubich – Elementary School Teacher from Florida, US.
We are happy to announce and welcome 4 up-coming singing and voice repair clients from out-of-country!
Within that timeframe, we will be charging all of our fees in Canadian currency which will save our international clients over 30% on the currency exchange.
Also, for everyone else, within the above designated times, we are offering a special which we call, “We Pay Your HST Event”,
That said, it will save our potential clients an additional 13% on Harmonizes Sales Tax in Ontario.
From the day of the registration for any of our courses, the potential client has 90 days to arrive to their designated course.
So our potential clients could take advantage of this opportunity now and arrive to receive their instruction and voice repair services upon mutual agreement between them and our enterprise.
Our Present and future voice repair clients can indulge into the reading of Ms. Yampolsky’s new blog titled: Vocal Disorder: Some people, as it appears to be, love having it?
You can also read Ms. Yampolsky’s review on the Niagara Falls event titled:
Niagara Falls “Legends” in Concert Overview.
And lastly, Diana has just finished a 20 hour case study course with the aspiring musician/singer songwriter, Timothy Bartsch.
However, please note: All specials announced by The Royans Professional Vocal School (Vocal Science™) are subject to change without notice.
Also, Interested to know, first hand, what’s up with the Royans Professional Vocal School and The Roynas Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair? Please sign up for our newsletter (information located on the lower right side of vocalscience.com) And check out our press release and learn from the experiences of our past clients.
Congratulations to all of our participants in our Vocal Science Exploratory Group Session, conducted on Sunday, December the 13th!
Bob Harris, (1 year after completing the 30 hours of voice repair course/treatment & Master vocal coaching), gives us a summery of his journey with his previous voice troubles.
See his previous letters after he completed his vocal journey with us!
Give yourself and your loved ones the gift of a healthy voice!
Ask us how – Call our experts today!