Check out our informative article that details the intricacies of health care for the voice and how our method can aid to a healthy-sounding voice. Click the title below to check it out!
Category: Voice repair latest News
Article: The Difference Between Voice Problems & Speech Problems!
Let’s find out in our informative article.
(Click title or picture to see the article)
Article: “Vocal Science: Vocal Surgery. You have done it! Now what?
“Vocal Science: Vocal Surgery. You have done it! Now what?”
Will you be in need of anything else to be done with respect to your voice repair?
Let’s find out what we mean by this in our new article which gives details and sheds light onto how vocal surgery alone does not nessesaraly solve all of your voice/vocal problems.
(Click on the title to see the article)
Non-Surgical Voice Repair – Is It Just a Lisp… or Perhaps Something Else That’s Causing It?
August 13th: Healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop Success!
The Healthy Voice Workshop Summit, which took place on August the 13th, 2017 has been successfully completed!
We had quite a few great participants who had experienced a taste of what the Vocal Science Method can do for their speaking and singing voices!
Stay tuned for more exciting news about our upcoming Voice/Vocal Workshops. Including our October 1st Healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop Summit
October 1st Healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop (SUCCESS!)
Voice/Vocal Workshop Summit Success Once Again!
We are happy to announce that we had yet another very successful Healthy Voice Workshop Summit, which took place on October 1st, 2017 -We had quite a few very talented participants who had experienced a taste of what the Vocal Science™ Method can do for their speaking and singing voices!
Continue reading “October 1st Healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop (SUCCESS!)”Vocal Paresis – The Causes and Consequences!
“Vocal Paresis, as well as Spasmodic Dysphonia, quite often have additional reasons for their occurrence”. See what we mean by this by reading one of our informative articles titled: “Vocal Paresis – The Causes and Consequences”
The Synopsis of The Vocal Science (TM) Method!
The Synopsis of The Vocal Science (TM) Method!
For those who wanted to know how it all came about, we decided to disclose the “intimate” details of how The Royans Professional Vocal School (a.k.a. The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts) had began!
You can read about it in our informative article by clicking HERE!