Post-Course Letter from voice repair client, singer/songwriter, Jon S.

Below, in text format, is just a portion of the level of success that our previous voice repair client (Mr. Jon Synnestvedt – singer/songwriter from Detroit Michigan!) had experienced – after the completion of only 10 hours of our unique non-surgical voice repair program! Way to go Jon! We are looking forward to part II of our joint vocal venture! –

“Diana, I am looking forward to our next session together. With your guidance, I have made some noticeable improvements since my first time working with you and am working my way back to heal my voice from the damage I’ve inflicted upon myself after singing improperly all these years.
See you soon!” – Jon

Voice Repair Client, Jon S – 10 Hrs of Treatment Completed.

We are happy to announce that we have completed the first 10 hours of our unique non-surgical voice repair program with Mr. Jon Synnestvedt – singer/songwriter from Detroit Michigan!

Stay tuned to hear Jon’s success story with respect of his voice repair journey!
(…10 hours of instruction and treatment to date, and counting…).

Welcoming Our New Voice Repair client | Singer/Songwriter, Jon S

We are happy to announce that, on this weekend, (April the 15th, onward), we will be welcoming a new singer/songwriter from out-of country who is in need of singing voice repair!
Stay tuned to hear Jon Synnestvedt’s success story, after the completion of his voice repair journey with us.

Pilot Project – Best Western Teams Up with Vocal Science!

We have exciting news for future clients who will be travelling to us from out-of-town/out-of-country, for our 30 hours of instruction and treatment (official protocol).

As a pilot project, we at The Royans Professional Vocal School, have teamed up with the Best Western Voyager Hotel (Located nearby us in Newmarket – Holland Landing, Ontario) to bring premium-quality loggings for out-of-town and out-of-country voice repair clients who will experience a conformable stay which will, no doubt, help them to derive even more benefits for their voice treatment and recovery!

This above-described hotel experience will be offered as a complimentary service –  provided by us!!
If you have any questions or would like more information about the above, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

Vocal Science welcomes two new singing/voice repair clients!

We at The Royans Professional Vocal School & The Royans Institute for Surgical Voice Repair would like to welcome two new singing students/clients from out-of-country who will be coming shortly to acquire our non-surgical voice repair services!

The speech and singing voice repair client (Sue Chick D) will be coming to us on April the 30th from Canmore, Alberta.

The singing voice repair client (Alberto Mauiztic)  has arrived to Toronto, Canada today from Cozumel, Mexico. The singing voice repair client (Jon Synnestvedt) will be coming to us on April the 15th from Detroit, Michigan USA.

Stay tuned for more.

March 15th North York Vocal Science Presentation Meet-up Success!

The Royans Professional Vocal School & The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, conducted a North York Vocal Science Presentation Meetup on March the 15th & which took place at the Edithvale Community Centre  – Dempsey (Room 102) 131 Finch Ave West!

We had a few great, well-rounded participants who had experienced a taste of what the Vocal Science Method can do for their speaking and singing voices!

If you would like to participate in exciting and educational events like this one, check out our site’s Healthy Voice Workshops page for more info about additional workshop dates, including our  May 6th Workshop.