Sue D’s Testimonial – “Ahead and Only Ahead”.

We would like to present to you an inspirational testimonial from Sue Chick D, a singer/songwriter from Canmore Alberta. She came to Diana suffering from a damaged voice due to a polyp on her vocal cord. With the help of Diana’s Vocal Science(TM) Program, not only was Diana able to completely and non-surgically dissolve her vocal polyp, but she was also able to restore and enhance her speaking and singing voice!

To read Sue’s full testimonial, click HERE –

To see more testimonials from other Successful voice repair clients, click HERE

Continue reading “Sue D’s Testimonial – “Ahead and Only Ahead”.”

Sept 29th, Vocal Workshop News – (COMPLETE).

For those who would like to learn the innovative Vocal Science™ technique, guided by Master Voice/Vocal Coach, Vocal Producer and renowned Voice Repair Specialist, Diana Yampolsky, we have another upcoming workshop taking place on September the 29th 2019.

This workshop is also designed to help those who suffer from voice disorders & vocal problems. It will be a great opportunity to preview what it takes to treat and (when needed) prevent various forms of voice disorders and vocal problems.

This Workshop is now Complete

Continue reading “Sept 29th, Vocal Workshop News – (COMPLETE).”

New Pilot Promotion for International Clients!

New Pilot Promotion for International Clients!

Effective August 5th, until September 3rd: We will be offering to our international clients $500 CAD towards their flight to us and payment for their hotel stay ( designated by us while taking our services ) – up to 7 nights!

The above will be valid if paid in full (in USD) – the price which will be current on the day of their registration.

– Some conditions apply –

The above project is subject to change without notice!

We are now accepting partial payments.

We are now accepting up to 4 partial payments towards any of our courses’ tuition fees ( consisting a minimum of 30 hours of instruction and treatment ).

The final payment, however, has to be remitted no later than 2 weeks prior to the commencement of any of our services. | -Some conditions apply- |

Need more info? Contact us! Phone: 416-857-8741 | Email:

Vocal Science™ By the common opinion of our 25,000 satisfied clients (since 1984)…, We Are The Best in Voice Restoration and Enhancement!