“Brace Yourself For Impact” – Survive The “Crash”… Reclaim Your Life via Non-Surgical Voice Repair Forensic Science!

For some people, the loss of their voice is equivalent (God forbid) to a plane crash, and evidently… nonetheless!

Obviously, those people would feel lost and confused, as (in most of the cases) they are not even aware of what exactly happened to them and their voice for that matter, and mainly… why?

Read more here: https://vocalscience.blogspot.com/2017/05/reclaim-your-life-reclaim-your-voice.html

Natural Treatment for Spasmodic Dysphonia

Testimonials From Clients Who Have Been Successfully Treated For Spasmodic Dysphonia Disorder:
Zelda A – Spasmodic Dysphonia Voice Repair Client from Brampton, Ontario Canada:

“I don’t know where I would be if I did not find you… I would definitely be doing a review with 100 stars if I could!…”

Find out more here:

Tory J. VCD Sufferer of Wisconsin USA

Here is our Speech and Singing Voice Repair Client Tory Jax from Wisconsin, USA performing “The Great Gig In The Sky” by Pink Floyd

The Happy Jax Family (Tim, Tory & Stacy)

Previously, Tory had been a sufferer of Asthma and VCD (Vocal Cord Dysfunction) for several years. 

Under our care, she was treated and nevertheless, cured within 8 consecutive days over 40 + 5 hours of instruction and treatment. 

Tory was undertaking our famous Super Accelerated Voice/Vocal Immersion Course, coupled with natural herbal and some homeopathic treatments.  

Given the above, her speech and singing voice had soared to a nearly professional level. 

Please see below Tory’s videos and a few testimonials, which led her to (musically) prosper to a much higher level than she could have ever dreamt. 

Way to go Tory. 

Keep on rockin’ girl! 

Tory J.: Asthma and VCD being Treated and Cured by Vocal Science™ Speech Development Method: https://youtu.be/aSqGssGYn1E 

Tory J.: Before Instruction Video and After Voice Repair of Voice/Vocal Immersion Course of 40 hours: https://youtu.be/Qrux7IDMgbc  

Stacy Jax’s (Tory’s Mother) Open Letter: https://www.vocalscience.com/stacy-jax-letter-tory-jax  

Cedric H. Sulcus Vocalis Treatment

Please see our recent long-distance client Cedric H. (from Paris, Nice & Monaco), 38 years old. Cedric had suffered from Sulcus Vocalis for 3 years, as nobody was able to rectify it. That definitely affected his business, as he lost confidence in presentations and never knew when his voice was going to disappear. Here is his testimonial after he had undergone a 40-hour course and treatment which had been delivered to him over 10 consecutive days.

Read more of his story here:

Witness a select few success stories from our Non-Surgical Voice Repair Courses, powered by the Vocal Science™ Method! 

Zelda A – Spasmodic Dysphonia Sufferer – Before & After Voice Recovery Video:

Dr. Vera C.’s Non-Surgical Voice Repair Journey:

Tory J.: Asthma and VCD being Treated and Cured by Vocal Science™ Speech Development Method:

Mark S. of Texas USA Sharing His Feedback After 10 Days of Non-Surgical Voice Repair:

Milana K. – Witness Milana’s Testimonial After & Before 10 Hours of Instruction and Treatment…:

Milana K. – Testimonial After & Before 10 Hours of Instruction and Treatment!

Milana came to us for a Super Accelerated Introductory/Exploratory Course of 10 Hours to Fix her hoarseness and raspiness brought on by the diagnosis of two Nodules on both vocal cords. No doubt, that these growths are still present, as the nodules cannot get dissolved instantaneously. However, the quality of Milana’s voice improved dramatically in just 2.5 days!

Please hear and see for yourself the video we took at the end of her 10-hour course combined with natural herbal treatment:

Mark S. of Texas USA – Muscle Tension & Partially Paralyzed Vocal Cords

Mark S. from Texas USA – a sufferer of Muscle Tension Dysphonia Disorder, as well as other side effects concerning his health in general.

Please see his video sitting in our studio and spilling out his now healthy voice and healthy emotions after 10 days (45 hours of our unique instruction coupled with intake of select herbal and some homeopathic remedies).

Vocally Speaking… Where Do You Think You Came From…?

Are you, by any chance, from a “Flying Saucer” or, perhaps, from a “Submarine” Submerged in Deep Water…?

The question is: Do you actually have any touch with ‘Mother Earth’ and, moreover, any touch with reality… so to speak?

Does your submarine (in fact, possibly made from glass) ever come to the surface?

Or actually, do you ever even touch down on land with your flying saucer?

Let’s find out…

Read more of our information blog here: